Gold: US $
Silver: US $
Copper: US $

May 30, 2023

Aya Gold & Silver Announces High-Grade Silver Drilling Results at Zgounder and Updates on Zgounder Regional Drilling Program


Montreal, Quebec, May 30, 2023 - Aya Gold & Silver Inc. (TSX: AYA; OTCQX: AYASF) (“Aya” or the “Corporation”) is pleased to announce additional drill results, confirming high-grade silver mineralization at the Zgounder Silver Mine and to provide an update on the Zgounder Regional exploration campaign in the Kingdom of Morocco.


Key Highlights (all intersections are in core lengths)

  • Diamond drill hole (“DDH”) DZG-SF-22-156 intercepted 1,332 grams per tonne (“g/t”) silver (“Ag”) over 5.0 meters (“m”), and 1,158 g/t Ag over 4.5m, while DZG-SF-22-164 intersected 918 g/t Ag over 9.0m.
  • In the open-pit area, reverse circulation (“RC”) drill hole ZG-RC-23-2260-70 intercepted 1,611 g/t Ag over 27m including 4,771 g/t Ag over 5.0m and ZG-RC-23-2260-99 intercepted 795 g/t Ag over 14.0m including 4,734 g/t Ag over 2.0m.
  • At the central zone from the 2,000m level
    • hole TD28-23-2000-591 intercepted 645 g/t Ag over 12.0m including
      • 2,127 g/t Ag over 2.4m
    • hole TD28-23-2000-403 intercepted 815 g/t Ag over 10.8m including
      • 2,596 g/t Ag over 2.4m
    • At the central zone from the 1,975m level,
      • hole TD28-23-1975-536 intercepted 1,209 g/t Ag over 10.8m including
        • 2,482 g/t Ag over 4.8m
      • hole TD28-23-1975-572 intercepted 712 g/t Ag over 10.8m including
        • 1,171 g/t Ag over 6.0m
  • From surface in the eastern area, hole ZG-23-02 intercepted 1,753 g/t Ag over 6.5m, and hole ZG-23-07 in the western limit of the central area intercepted 3,460 g/t Ag over 2.0m.
  • From the Zgounder Regional campaign, hole ZGW-22-06 intercepted 1.22% zinc (“Zn”) over 85.5m including 1.91% Zn over 5.0m and hole AM-22-001 intercepted 0.93% copper (“Cu”) over 6.0m including 1.27% Cu over 3.0m.


“Today’s drilling results grow the mineralized footprint of the Zgounder deposit with intercepts such as ZG-23-02 continuing to deliver high-grade intersections outside of the current resource envelope,” said Benoit La Salle, President & CEO. “Hole ZG-RC-23-2260-70, which is the fifth-highest drill intercept on a grade-thickness basis, particularly demonstrates the continuity of the deposit. Further, preliminary results from the Zgounder Regional program, although anomalous, confirm the potential for the discovery of satellite deposits for the Zgounder Mine.”

Included in this release are results for 278 holes, which include 40 surface DDH, 23 underground DDH, 63 RC drill hole from pit definition drilling, 126 T28 and 26 YAK (T28 & YAK: percussion drilling using an air-compressed hammer) holes.  For a full summary of today’s results, refer to Appendix 1 and 2.


Table 1 – Significant Intercepts from Drilling at Zgounder (core lengths)

DDH No. From To Ag 


Ag x width

Surface DDH


38.0 44.5 1,753 6.5 11,392
including 41.5 43.5 5,057 2.0 10,113


85.0 87.0 3,460 2.0 6,920

Surface RC

ZG-RC-23-2260-70 22.0 49.0 1,611 27.0 43,508


29.0 34.0 4,771 5.0 23,853


39.0 42.0 4,217 3.0 12,652
ZG-RC-23-2260-99 3.0 17.0 795 14.0 11,126


8.0 10.0 4,734 2.0 9,468

Underground DDH

DZG-SF-22-156 17.0 22.0 1,332 5.0 6,660
DZG-SF-22-156 67.0 71.5 1,158 4.5 5,210
DZG-SF-22-164 49.5 58.5 918 9.0 8,264


52.5 55.5 2,021 3.0 6,063

Underground T28

TD28-23-1975-536 2.4 13.2 1,209 10.8 13,055


2.4 7.2 2,482 4.8 11,911
TD28-23-1975-572 2.4 13.2 712 10.8 7,687


2.4 8.4 1,171 6.0 7,025
TD28-23-1975-573 6.0 15.6 756 9.6 7,261


7.2 9.6 2,601 2.4 6,242
TD28-23-1975-574 4.8 9.6 1,358 4.8 6,517


7.2 9.6 2,598 2.4 6,235
TD28-23-1975-576 2.4 8.4 875 6.0 5,251
TD28-23-2000-591 0.0 12.0 645 12.0 7,740


3.6 6.0 2,127 2.4 5,104
TD28-23-2000-593 0.0 10.8 815 10.8 8,797


3.6 6.0 2,596 2.4 6,230

Underground YAK

YAKD-23-1950-175 7.2 18.0 1,168 10.8 12,618
YAKD-23-2100-184 18.0 20.4 2,507 2.4 6,018
YAKD-23-2100-188 14.4 21.6 896 7.2 6,453
YAKD-23-2100-190 14.4 19.2 1 231 4.8 5,906

1 Holes were drilled at various angles; true widths are not known at this time.
2 All assay results are above the cut-off grade of 75 g/t Ag.


Figure 1: Location of DDH Results at Zgounder


Zgounder Regional Update

At end of April 2023, a total of 6,914m in 33 drill holes had been drilled on Zgounder Regional permits (Appendix 2) focusing on the Zgounder Far West, Tala and Izza areas. For the location of the drill holes, refer to Figure 2 and Appendix 3. Most drill intercepts returned anomalous results, especially in Zn and Cu, as well as some anomalous silver intercepts (Table 2 and Appendix 2). As the campaign progresses, new areas will be drill tested in addition to the anomalous zones.


Figure 2: Location of DDH Results at Zgounder Regional


Table 2 – Significant Intercepts from Drilling at Zgounder Regional (core lengths)


 Ag Eq**

x width


AM-22-001 113.5 115.0 0.03 8 1.5 0.36 0.11 0.14 68 103
AM-22-001 116.5 122.5 0.03 18 6.0 0.93 0.10 0.33 163 979


117.0 120.0 0.03 23 3.0 1.27 0.09 0.23 205 616
AM-22-001 135.5 137.0 0.03 13 1.5 0.46 0.01 0.10 81 122
AM-22-002 183.0 184.0 0.03 8 1.0 0.01 0.94 1.52 124 124
AM-22-002 250.5 253.0 0.03 4 2.5 0.01 0.11 0.92 61 152
AM-22-002 260.0 261.0 0.03 24 1.0 1.17 0.02 0.05 182 182
AM-22-003 33.0 34.0 0.03 8 1.0 0.03 0.30 1.82 122 122
AM-22-003 35.5 37.0 0.03 20 1.5 0.84 0.14 0.56 166 250
AM-22-003 42.0 43.0 0.03 16 1.0 0.66 0.08 0.27 122 122
AM-22-006 103.5 106.5 0.03 8 3.0 0.39 0.12 0.48 90 270
AM-22-021 8.5 10.0 0.03 76 1.5 0.01 0.01 0.01 80 121
AM-22-021 166.0 171.5 0.03 5 5.5 0.08 0.12 1.24 89 488
AM-23-017 142.0 144.0 0.04 8 2.0 0.66 0.01 0.02 99 198
AM-23-020 51.0 53.0 0.03 5 2.0 0.13 0.10 1.05 83 167


AK-23-001 69.0 70.5 0.03 4 1.5 0.64 0.01 0.01 90 136
AK-23-001 81.0 82.0 0.03 5 1.0 0.76 0.01 0.01 107 107
AK-23-002 49.0 50.0 0.03 9 1.0 1.21 0.01 0.02 171 171
AK-23-003 118.5 120.0 0.03 4 1.5 0.49 0.01 0.01 71 106


ZGW-22-01 8.5 19.0   5 10.5 0.02 0.13 1.00 66 693
ZGW-22-01 21.0 22.5   4 1.5 0.08 0.11 0.93 68 102
ZGW-22-01 30.5 35.0   6 4.5 0.02 0.20 1.33 87 393
ZGW-22-01 43.5 58.0   5 14.5 0.17 0.12 0.92 80 1,164


51.0 52.0   49 1.0 1.89 0.06 0.71 336 336
ZGW-22-01 104.0 110.5   2 6.5 0.02 0.11 0.99 62 405
ZGW-22-01 129.5 134.0   5 4.5 0.28 0.03 0.42 65 294
ZGW-22-01 153.5 155.0   4 1.5 0.48 0.01 0.03 69 103
ZGW-22-02 73.5 75.0   1 1.5 0.24 0.07 0.67 71 106
ZGW-22-02 104.5 112.0   3 7.5 0.19 0.08 0.57 61 459
ZGW-22-02 137.5 139.0   4 1.5 0.04 0.05 3.00 173 260
ZGW-22-03 53.0 57.0   3 4.0 0.01 0.01 0.94 56 224
ZGW-22-03 80.5 82.5   6 2.0 0.02 0.03 0.84 55 110
ZGW-22-03 101.5 102.5   5 1.0 0.07 0.03 1.66 104 104
ZGW-22-03 122.0 127.5   22 5.5 0.04 0.19 0.47 59 326
ZGW-22-03 134.0 137.0   8 3.0 0.03 0.16 0.99 71 212
ZGW-22-03 149.0 151.0   4 2.0 0.02 0.22 0.88 61 121
ZGW-22-03 153.5 157.5   16 4.0 0.03 0.44 1.37 108 432
ZGW-22-03 163.0 179.0   6 16.0 0.07 0.14 0.87 67 1,066
ZGW-22-03 187.5 201.0   5 13.5 0.04 0.16 0.99 70 941
ZGW-22-03 209.0 216.0   12 7.0 0.40 0.11 0.84 113 790
ZGW-22-03 303.0 305.0   12 2.0 0.08 0.12 1.61 113 225
ZGW-22-04 116.5 119.5   6 3.0 0.34 0.01 0.22 62 185
ZGW-22-04 197.5 203.5   36 6.0 0.02 0.19 0.94 96 577


201.5 203.5   66 2.0 0.03 0.10 1.32 144 287
ZGW-22-04 207.5 208.5   8 1.0 0.03 0.08 2.06 126 126
ZGW-22-04 224.5 253.5   9 29.0 0.33 0.11 0.85 102 2,945


238.0 241.0   43 3.0 2.54 0.06 0.44 399 1,197
ZGW-22-06 0.0 17.5   4 17.5 0.07 0.10 0.86 64 1,114
ZGW-22-06 20.5 52.5   5 32.0 0.07 0.09 1.13 78 2,506


40.5 46.5   5 6.0 0.09 0.12 1.68 111 668
ZGW-22-06 65.5 94.0   8 28.5 0.04 0.12 0.97 69 1,973


79.0 81.0   14 2.0 0.04 0.29 1.60 115 230
ZGW-22-06 97.0 182.5   12 85.5 0.06 0.21 1.22 92 7,908


116.0 127.0   12 11.0 0.09 0.39 1.77 132 1,447


160.0 165.0   15 5.0 0.09 0.31 1.91 139 693
ZGW-22-06 230.0 266.5   6 36.5 0.03 0.12 1.06 71 2,575
ZGW-22-06 284.5 288.0   14 3.5 0.03 0.14 1.25 89 311
ZG-22-76 37.0 42.0   7 5.0 0.04 0.06 0.78 56 281

¹ Holes were drilled at various angles; true widths are not known at this time.
2 Ag equivalent is based on a 100% recovery with the following ratio: 1 g/t Au: 93.4 g/t Ag; 1% Cu:130.4 Ag; 1% Pb: 31.8 Ag; 1% Zn: 54.1 Ag.


Quality Assurance

For core drilling, all individual samples represent approximately one meter in length of core, which is halved. Half of the core is kept on site for reference, and its counterpart is sent for preparation and assaying to African Laboratory for Mining and Environment (“Afrilab”) in Marrakech, Morocco. All samples are analyzed for silver, copper, iron, lead, and zinc using Aqua regia and finished by atomic absorption spectroscopy (“AAS”). Samples grading above 200 g/t Ag are reanalyzed using fire assaying.

For definition drilling using T28 drilling equipment, all individual samples represent 1.2m in length. Samples are assayed at either the Zgounder Mine laboratory or at Afrilab. At Afrilab, all samples are analyzed for silver, copper, iron, lead, and zinc using Aqua regia and finished by AAS. Samples grading above 200 g/t Ag are reanalyzed using fire assaying. At ZMSM, all samples are analyzed for silver only using Aqua regia and finished by AAS. Rigorous quality controls (QaQc) are applied at both locations.

David Lalonde, B.Sc. P. Geo, Head of Exploration, is Aya Gold & Silver’s Qualified Person and has reviewed this press release for accuracy and compliance with National Instrument 43-101.


About Aya Gold & Silver Inc.

Aya Gold & Silver Inc. is a rapidly growing, Canada-based silver producer with operations in the Kingdom of Morocco.

The only TSX-listed pure silver mining company, Aya operates the high-grade Zgounder Silver Mine and is exploring its properties along the prospective South-Atlas Fault, several of which have hosted past-producing mines and historical resources. Aya’s Moroccan mining assets are complemented by its Tijirit Gold Project in Mauritania, which is being advanced to feasibility.

Aya’s management team has been focused on maximising shareholder value by anchoring sustainability at the heart of its operations, governance, and financial growth plans.

For additional information, please visit Aya’s website at www.ayagoldsilver.com.

Or contact

Benoit La Salle, FCPA, MBA
President & CEO
Alex Ball
VP, Corporate Development & IR


Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain statements that constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws (“forward-looking statements”), which reflects management’s expectations regarding Aya’s future growth and business prospects (including the timing and development of new deposits and the success of exploration activities) and other opportunities. Wherever possible, words such as "grow", "deliver", "potential", “confirm”,  “de-risk”, “expect”, “demonstrate”, “continuity”, “potential”, “continue”, “expand”, “seems”, and similar expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might”, “will”, or are “likely” to be taken, occur or be achieved, have been used to identify such forward-looking information. Specific forward-looking statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements and information with respect to the exploration and development potential of Zgounder, the conversion of Inferred Mineral Resources into Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources and future opportunities for enhancing development at Zgounder. Although the forward-looking information contained in this press release reflect management’s current beliefs based upon information currently available to management and based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, Aya cannot be certain that actual results will be consistent with such forward-looking information. Such forward-looking statements are based upon assumptions, opinions and analysis made by management in light of its experience, current conditions, and its expectations of future developments that management believe to be reasonable and relevant but that may prove to be incorrect. These assumptions include, among other things, the ability to obtain any requisite governmental approvals, the presence of artisanal miners, obtaining regulatory permits for on site work, importing goods and machinery and employment permits, the accuracy of Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Estimates (including, but not limited to, ore tonnage and ore grade estimates), the price of silver, the price of gold, exchange rates, fuel and energy costs, future economic conditions, anticipated future estimates of free cash flow, and courses of action. Aya cautions you not to place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking statements.

The risks and uncertainties that may affect forward-looking statements include, among others: the inherent risks involved in exploration and development of mineral properties, including government approvals and permitting, changes in economic conditions, changes in the worldwide price of silver gold and other key inputs, changes in mine plans (including, but not limited to, throughput and recoveries being affected by metallurgical characteristics) and other factors, such as project execution delays, many of which are beyond the control of Aya, as well as other risks and uncertainties which are more fully described in Aya’s 2022 Annual Information Form dated March 31, 2023, and in other filings of Aya with securities and regulatory authorities which are available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Aya does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements should assumptions related to these plans, estimates, projections, beliefs, and opinions change. Nothing in this document should be construed as either an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy or sell Aya securities. All references to Aya include its subsidiaries unless the context requires otherwise.


Appendix 1 - Mineral Intercepts from Drilling at Zgounder (core lengths)




Ag (g/t)

Length (m)*

Ag x width

Surface DDH

ZG-23-02 38.0 44.5 1,753 6.5 11,392


41.5 43.5 5,057 2.0 10,113
ZG-23-02 75.0 76.5 150 1.5 225
ZG-23-05 67.5 70.5 117 3.0 350
ZG-23-07 85.0 87.0 3,460 2.0 6,920
ZG-23-08 3.0 5.5 590 2.5 1,474
ZG-23-08 10.0 11.5 120 1.5 180
ZG-23-08 16.0 19.0 213 3.0 639
ZG-23-08 93.5 95.0 87 1.5 131

Surface RC

ZG-RC-23-2260-118 26.0 27.0 220 1.0 220
ZG-RC-23-2260-119 5.0 6.0 82 1.0 82
ZG-RC-23-2260-69 11.0 13.0 342 2.0 684
ZG-RC-23-2260-69 17.0 22.0 110 5.0 552
ZG-RC-23-2260-70 22.0 49.0 1,611 27.0 43,508


29.0 34.0 4,771 5.0 23,853


39.0 42.0 4,217 3.0 12,652
ZG-RC-23-2260-86 20.0 22.0 101 2.0 202
ZG-RC-23-2260-86 26.0 29.0 85 3.0 254
ZG-RC-23-2260-86 32.0 33.0 156 1.0 156
ZG-RC-23-2260-86 35.0 36.0 124 1.0 124
ZG-RC-23-2260-98 0.0 7.0 327 7.0 2,292
ZG-RC-23-2260-99 3.0 17.0 795 14.0 11,126


8.0 10.0 4,734 2.0 9,468
ZG-RC-23-2260-99 27.0 29.0 137 2.0 274

Underground DDH

DZG-SF-22-156 17.0 22.0 1,332 5.0 6,660
DZG-SF-22-156 60.0 60.5 138 0.5 69
DZG-SF-22-156 67.0 71.5 1,158 4.5 5,210
DZG-SF-22-163 89.0 92.0 165 3.0 494
DZG-SF-22-164 13.5 15.5 157 2.0 315
DZG-SF-22-164 27.0 28.0 79 1.0 79
DZG-SF-22-164 32.0 36.0 249 4.0 996
DZG-SF-22-164 49.5 58.5 918 9.0 8264


52.5 55.5 2,021 3.0 6,063
DZG-SF-22-167 54.0 55.0 99 1.0 99
DZG-SF-22-167 105.0 106.5 2,320 1.5 3,480
DZG-SF-22-167 108.0 109.5 100 1.5 150
DZG-SF-22-170 16.5 18.0 808 1.5 1,212
DZG-SF-22-170 43.5 49.5 615 6.0 3,688
DZG-SF-23-196 26.0 28.0 195 2.0 390
DZG-SF-23-196 36.0 37.0 88 1.0 88
DZG-SF-23-196 38.0 40.0 111 2.0 223
DZG-SF-23-196 50.0 51.0 144 1.0 144
DZG-SF-23-196 56.0 58.0 113 2.0 226
DZG-SF-23-203 88.0 88.5 77 0.5 39

Underground T28

TD28-23-1975-536 2.4 13.2 1,209 10.8 13,055


2.4 7.2 2,482 4.8 11,911
TD28-23-1975-566 24.0 26.4 110 2.4 265
TD28-23-1975-572 2.4 13.2 712 10.8 7,687


2.4 8.4 1,171 6.0 7,025
TD28-23-1975-573 6.0 15.6 756 9.6 7,261


7.2 9.6 2,601 2.4 6,242
TD28-23-1975-574 4.8 9.6 1,358 4.8 6,517


7.2 9.6 2,598 2.4 6,235
TD28-23-1975-574 18.0 19.2 380 1.2 456
TD28-23-1975-575 3.6 7.2 101 3.6 362
TD28-23-1975-576 2.4 8.4 875 6.0 5,251


6.0 8.4 1,841 2.4 4,418
TD28-23-1975-576 12.0 13.2 168 1.2 202
TD28-23-1975-576 20.4 21.6 114 1.2 136
TD28-23-1975-577 15.6 16.8 158 1.2 190
TD28-23-1975-577 19.2 20.4 92 1.2 110
TD28-23-1975-578 16.8 18.0 216 1.2 259
TD28-23-1975-579 16.8 20.4 583 3.6 2,099
TD28-23-1975-580 2.4 3.6 193 1.2 231
TD28-23-1975-580 19.2 21.6 132 2.4 317
TD28-23-1975-631 0.0 2.4 539 2.4 1,293
TD28-23-1975-633 10.8 15.6 103 4.8 494
TD28-23-2000-542 4.8 13.2 158 8.4 1,327
TD28-23-2000-542 25.2 26.4 147 1.2 176
TD28-23-2000-543 4.8 10.8 346 6.0 2,076


7.2 8.4 1,044 1.2 1,253
TD28-23-2000-555 18.0 21.6 237 3.6 852
TD28-23-2000-589 3.6 7.2 1,008 3.6 3,628
TD28-23-2000-591 0.0 12.0 645 12.0 7,740


3.6 6.0 2,127 2.4 5,104
TD28-23-2000-593 0.0 10.8 815 10.8 8,797


3.6 6.0 2,596 2.4 6,230
TD28-23-2000-593 14.4 15.6 388 1.2 466
TD28-23-2000-595 0.0 4.8 236 4.8 1,134
TD28-23-2000-596 22.8 26.4 97 3.6 349
TD28-23-2000-597 2.4 7.2 389 4.8 1,865
TD28-23-2000-598 7.2 9.6 96 2.4 230
TD28-23-2000-599 0.0 7.2 323 7.2 2,323
TD28-23-2000-600 1.2 6.0 156 4.8 749
TD28-23-2000-621 6.0 7.2 102 1.2 122
TD28-23-2000-624 7.2 12.0 375 4.8 1,798
TD28-23-2000-624 13.2 14.4 76 1.2 91

Underground YAK

YAKD-23-1950-174 6.0 8.4 791 2.4 1,898
YAKD-23-1950-174 13.2 14.4 80 1.2 96
YAKD-23-1950-175 7.2 18.0 1,168 10.8 12,618
YAKD-23-1950-175 20.4 26.4 122 6.0 732
YAKD-23-1950-176 6.0 9.6 160 3.6 576
YAKD-23-1950-176 14.4 15.6 166 1.2 199
YAKD-23-1950-177 25.2 28.8 657 3.6 2,365
YAKD-23-1950-178 8.4 10.8 858 2.4 2,059
YAKD-23-1950-179 0.0 1.2 190 1.2 228
YAKD-23-1950-179 44.4 46.8 169 2.4 406
YAKD-23-2000-169 9.6 13.2 326 3.6 1,174
YAKD-23-2000-169 21.6 22.8 338 1.2 406
YAKD-23-2000-170 4.8 7.2 143 2.4 342
YAKD-23-2100-181 18.0 19.2 868 1.2 1,042
YAKD-23-2100-184 18.0 20.4 2507 2.4 6,018
YAKD-23-2100-188 8.4 10.8 263 2.4 632
YAKD-23-2100-188 14.4 21.6 896 7.2 6,453
YAKD-23-2100-190 7.2 10.8 1113 3.6 4,006
YAKD-23-2100-190 14.4 19.2 1231 4.8 5,906
YAKD-23-2100-190 25.2 26.4 144 1.2 173
YAKD-23-2100-191 6.0 7.2 104 1.2 125
YAKD-23-2100-191 10.8 12.0 1212 1.2 1,454
YAKD-23-2100-193 9.6 10.8 502 1.2 602
YAKD-23-2100-193 18.0 19.2 106 1.2 127
YAKD-23-2100-193 45.6 46.8 138 1.2 166
YAKD-23-2100-194 9.6 12.0 300 2.4 720
YAKD-23-2100-195 4.8 15.6 140 10.8 1,507
YAKD-23-2100-195 36.0 39.6 295 3.6 1,063
YAKD-23-2100-197 0.0 2.4 155 2.4 372
YAKD-23-2100-197 15.6 21.6 107 6.0 642

1 Holes were drilled at various angles, true widths are not known at this time.
2 All assay results are above the cut-off grade of 75 g/t Ag.


Appendix 2 - Mineral Intercepts from Drilling at Zgounder Regional (core lengths)

DDH No. From
Length(m)* Cu
 Ag Eq**


AM-22-001 113.5 115.0 0.03 8 1.5 0.36 0.11 0.14 68
AM-22-001 116.5 122.5 0.03 18 6.0 0.93 0.10 0.33 163


117.0 120.0 0.03 23 3.0 1.27 0.09 0.23 205
AM-22-001 126.0 126.5 0.03 9 0.5 0.37 0.02 0.03 61
AM-22-001 127.5 128.0 0.03 16 0.5 0.42 0.02 0.06 77
AM-22-001 135.5 137.0 0.03 13 1.5 0.46 0.01 0.10 81
AM-22-001 149.0 150.5 0.03 6 1.5 0.32 0.03 0.08 55
AM-22-002 183.0 184.0 0.03 8 1.0 0.01 0.94 1.52 124
AM-22-002 240.0 241.5 0.03 8 1.5 0.03 0.01 0.83 59
AM-22-002 250.5 253.0 0.03 4 2.5 0.01 0.11 0.92 61
AM-22-002 255.0 256.5 0.03 4 1.5 0.01 0.16 0.83 58
AM-22-002 260.0 261.0 0.03 24 1.0 1.17 0.02 0.05 182
AM-22-003 33.0 34.0 0.03 8 1.0 0.03 0.30 1.82 122
AM-22-003 35.5 37.0 0.03 20 1.5 0.84 0.14 0.56 166
AM-22-003 42.0 43.0 0.03 16 1.0 0.66 0.08 0.27 122
AM-22-003 45.0 46.0 0.03 4 1.0 0.01 0.17 0.88 61
AM-22-004 0.0 207.0 0.00 0 207.0 0.00 0.00 NSR 0
AM-22-005 0.0 57.0 0.00 0 57.0 0.00 0.00 NSR 0
AM-22-006 103.5 106.5 0.03 8 3.0 0.39 0.12 0.48 90
AM-22-007 0.0 216.5 0.00 0 216.5 0.00 0.00 NSR 0
AM-22-008 200.0 201.0 0.00 0 1.0 0.00 0.00 NSR 0
AM-22-013 0.0 250.0 0.00 0 250.0 0.00 0.00 NSR 0
AM-22-018 0.0 161.5 0.00 0 161.5 0.00 0.00 NSR 0
AM-22-019 142.5 144.0 0.03 8 1.5 0.30 0.05 0.24 64
AM-22-021 8.5 10.0 0.03 76 1.5 0.01 0.01 0.01 80
AM-22-021 166.0 171.5 0.03 5 5.5 0.08 0.12 1.24 89
AM-23-009 0.0 184.5 0.00 0 184.5 0.00 0.00 NSR 0
AM-23-010 77.0 78.0 0.10 8 1.0 0.30 0.03 0.02 58
AM-23-011 0.0 200.0 0.00 0 200.0 0.00 0.00 NSR 0
AM-23-012 166.0 166.5 0.07 4 0.5 0.50 0.01 0.01 77
AM-23-014 0.0 200.0 0.00 0 200.0 0.00 0.00 NSR 0
AM-23-015 0.0 150.0 0.00 0 150.0 0.00 0.00 NSR 0
AM-23-017 142.0 144.0 0.04 8 2.0 0.66 0.01 0.02 99
AM-23-020 51.0 53.0 0.03 5 2.0 0.13 0.10 1.05 83
AM-23-022 0.0 250.0 0.00 0 250.0 0.00 0.00 NSR 0


AK-23-001 57.5 58.0 0.12 8 0.5 0.28 0.01 0.02 57
AK-23-001 69.0 70.5 0.03 4 1.5 0.64 0.01 0.01 90
AK-23-001 81.0 82.0 0.03 5 1.0 0.76 0.01 0.01 107
AK-23-002 24.0 25.0 0.03 8 1.0 0.50 0.01 0.02 77
AK-23-002 49.0 50.0 0.03 9 1.0 1.21 0.01 0.02 171
AK-23-003 87.5 88.5 0.03 9 1.0 0.44 0.01 0.01 70
AK-23-003 91.5 92.5 0.03 4 1.0 0.35 0.01 0.01 53
AK-23-003 117.0 117.5 0.03 3 0.5 0.42 0.01 0.02 61
AK-23-003 118.5 120.0 0.03 4 1.5 0.49 0.01 0.01 71
AK-23-006 0.0 150.0 0.00 0 150.0 0.00 0.00 NSR 0


ZGW-22-01 8.5 19.0   5 10.5 0.02 0.13 1.00 66
ZGW-22-01 21.0 22.5   4 1.5 0.08 0.11 0.93 68
ZGW-22-01 25.5 26.5   1 1.0 0.01 0.05 0.86 50
ZGW-22-01 30.5 35.0   6 4.5 0.02 0.20 1.33 87
ZGW-22-01 43.5 58.0   5 14.5 0.17 0.12 0.92 80


51.0 52.0   49 1.0 1.89 0.06 0.71 336
ZGW-22-01 104.0 110.5   2 6.5 0.02 0.11 0.99 62
ZGW-22-01 129.5 134.0   5 4.5 0.28 0.03 0.42 65
ZGW-22-01 137.0 138.5   4 1.5 0.29 0.01 0.42 65
ZGW-22-01 153.5 155.0   4 1.5 0.48 0.01 0.03 69
ZGW-22-02 27.5 29.0   9 1.5 0.01 0.23 0.75 58
ZGW-22-02 43.5 45.0   1 1.5 0.01 0.17 0.84 53
ZGW-22-02 73.5 75.0   1 1.5 0.24 0.07 0.67 71
ZGW-22-02 104.5 112.0   3 7.5 0.19 0.08 0.57 61
ZGW-22-02 137.5 139.0   4 1.5 0.04 0.05 3.00 173
ZGW-22-03 53.0 57.0   3 4.0 0.01 0.01 0.94 56
ZGW-22-03 59.0 60.0   4 1.0 0.01 0.06 0.88 55
ZGW-22-03 64.0 65.0   8 1.0 0.02 0.15 0.77 57
ZGW-22-03 80.5 82.5   6 2.0 0.02 0.03 0.84 55
ZGW-22-03 86.5 87.5   1 1.0 0.01 0.08 0.83 50
ZGW-22-03 101.5 102.5   5 1.0 0.07 0.03 1.66 104
ZGW-22-03 122.0 127.5   22 5.5 0.04 0.19 0.47 59
ZGW-22-03 134.0 137.0   8 3.0 0.03 0.16 0.99 71
ZGW-22-03 138.0 139.0   4 1.0 0.08 0.07 0.62 50
ZGW-22-03 149.0 151.0   4 2.0 0.02 0.22 0.88 61
ZGW-22-03 153.5 157.5   16 4.0 0.03 0.44 1.37 108
ZGW-22-03 163.0 179.0   6 16.0 0.07 0.14 0.87 67
ZGW-22-03 187.5 201.0   5 13.5 0.04 0.16 0.99 70
ZGW-22-03 205.0 206.0   4 1.0 0.01 0.21 0.77 54
ZGW-22-03 209.0 216.0   12 7.0 0.40 0.11 0.84 113
ZGW-22-03 262.0 263.0   4 1.0 0.04 0.06 0.80 54
ZGW-22-03 303.0 305.0   12 2.0 0.08 0.12 1.61 113
ZGW-22-04 116.5 119.5   6 3.0 0.34 0.01 0.22 62
ZGW-22-04 154.0 155.5   28 1.5 0.02 0.05 0.49 59
ZGW-22-04 186.0 187.0   9 1.0 0.03 0.15 1.12 78
ZGW-22-04 197.5 203.5   36 6.0 0.02 0.19 0.94 96


201.5 203.5   66 2.0 0.03 0.10 1.32 144
ZGW-22-04 207.5 208.5   8 1.0 0.03 0.08 2.06 126
ZGW-22-04 221.5 223.0   4 1.5 0.01 0.23 0.71 51
ZGW-22-04 224.5 253.5   9 29.0 0.33 0.11 0.85 102


238.0 241.0   43 3.0 2.54 0.06 0.44 399
ZGW-22-06 0.0 17.5   4 17.5 0.07 0.10 0.86 64
ZGW-22-06 20.5 52.5   5 32.0 0.07 0.09 1.13 78


40.5 46.5   5 6.0 0.09 0.12 1.68 111
ZGW-22-06 54.5 55.5   1 1.0 0.01 0.20 1.22 75
ZGW-22-06 62.5 63.5   15 1.0 0.01 0.12 0.71 59
ZGW-22-06 65.5 94.0   8 28.5 0.04 0.12 0.97 69


79.0 81.0   14 2.0 0.04 0.29 1.60 115
ZGW-22-06 97.0 182.5   12 85.5 0.06 0.21 1.22 92


116.0 127.0   12 11.0 0.09 0.39 1.77 132


160.0 165.0   15 5.0 0.09 0.31 1.91 139
ZGW-22-06 186.5 187.5   8 1.0 0.02 0.06 0.92 62
ZGW-22-06 230.0 266.5   6 36.5 0.03 0.12 1.06 71
ZGW-22-06 268.5 269.5   1 1.0 0.13 0.06 0.62 53
ZGW-22-06 273.5 274.5   4 1.0 0.04 0.22 0.75 56
ZGW-22-06 276.5 277.5   1 1.0 0.06 0.16 0.75 54
ZGW-22-06 280.5 281.5   8 1.0 0.07 0.16 0.85 68
ZGW-22-06 284.5 288.0   14 3.5 0.03 0.14 1.25 89
ZG-22-76 6.0 7.5   1 1.5 0.01 0.01 1.05 59
ZG-22-76 14.5 15.0   4 0.5 0.03 0.12 0.76 53
ZG-22-76 16.5 18.0   13 1.5 0.05 0.07 0.64 57
ZG-22-76 22.0 23.0   4 1.0 0.05 0.12 0.70 52
ZG-22-76 34.0 35.0   9 1.0 0.03 0.02 0.73 53
ZG-22-76 37.0 42.0   7 5.0 0.04 0.06 0.78 56
ZG-22-76 60.5 61.5   12 1.0 0.02 0.15 0.57 50
ZG-22-76 140.0 141.0   4 1.0 0.01 0.01 0.88 53

1 Holes were drilled at various angles, true widths are not known at this time.
2 Ag equivalent is based on a 100% recovery with the following ratio: 1 g/t Au: 93.4 g/t Ag; 1% Cu:130.4 Ag; 1% Pb: 31.8 Ag; 1% Zn: 54.1 Ag.


Appendix 3 - Drillhole Coordinates of Zgounder Regional Program (completed holes)

DDH No. Easting Northing Elevation Azimuth Dip Length (m) Area
AK-23-001 628247 3418764 2107 270 -50 180.0 IZZA
AK-23-002 628236 3418914 2078 270 -50 118.4 IZZA
AK-23-003 628304 3418913 2083 270 -50 200.0 IZZA
AK-23-004 628211 3418764 2114 270 -47 130.0 IZZA
AK-23-005 629774 3418354 2041 90 -50 200.0 IZZA
AK-23-006 629886 3418354 2030 90 -50 150.0 IZZA
AK-23-007 629928 3417175 2200 90 -50 200.0 IZZA
AM-22-001 619508 3413141 2111 140 -50 258.0 TALA
AM-22-002 619449 3413210 2115 140 -50 350.0 TALA
AM-22-003 619659 3412969 2112 140 -50 211.0 TALA
AM-22-004 619367 3413000 2091 140 -50 207.0 TALA
AM-22-005 619554 3412865 2098 140 -50 66.0 TALA
AM-22-006 619996 3413124 2252 140 -50 164.0 TALA
AM-22-007 619605 3413028 2079 139 -50 216.5 TALA
AM-22-008 619452 3412903 2073 141 -50 201.0 TALA
AM-22-013 619960 3413167 2250 140 -50 250.0 TALA
AM-22-018 619844 3413025 2189 140 -50 161.5 TALA
AM-22-019 619808 3413068 2177 140 -50 234.0 TALA
AM-22-021 620157 3413214 2324 140 -50 250.0 TALA
AM-23-009 620014 3414578 2169 160 -50 184.5 TALA
AM-23-010 619986 3414654 2194 160 -50 200.0 TALA
AM-23-011 619950 3414752 2226 160 -50 200.0 TALA
AM-23-012 619916 3414846 2250 160 -50 200.0 TALA
AM-23-014 620921 3415312 2236 160 -50 200.0 TALA
AM-23-015 621009 3415054 2199 150 -50 150.0 TALA
AM-23-017 620890 3415397 2230 160 -50 205.0 TALA
AM-23-020 620196 3413166 2307 141 -50 150.0 TALA
AM-23-022 620986 3415126 2212 160 -50 250.0 TALA
TA-23-001 617327 3419118 2292 270 -50 150.0 TALMOUDAT
TA-23-002 617389 3419118 2299 270 -50 250.0 TALMOUDAT
TA-23-003 617427 3419556 2296 270 -50 250.0 TALMOUDAT
ZGW-22-01 618816 3404169 1965 180 -47 277.8 ZGOUNDER FAR WEST
ZGW-22-02 618841 3404202 1946 180 -47 284.7 ZGOUNDER FAR WEST
ZGW-22-03 618917 3404224 1930 180 -47 351.2 ZGOUNDER FAR WEST
ZGW-22-04 618916 3404280 1918 180 -47 362.0 ZGOUNDER FAR WEST
ZGW-22-06 619059 3404188 1990 180 -50 300.0 ZGOUNDER FAR WEST
ZG-22-76 619059 3404110 1968 180 -50 192.5 ZGOUNDER FAR WEST